Certa opens biofuel station in Liffey Valley
Fuel supplier Certa, which is owned by DCC, has opened a hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) fuel station in Liffey Valley, Co Dublin.
The new filling station, which cost over €1 million to build, is the first of its kind in Ireland.
HVO will be available at all of the site’s pumps alongside diesel and unleaded petrol.
Certa said its new strategy is to make the fossil-free biofuel more widely available to motorists in Ireland.
HVO is produced from waste plant matter and other products not intended for human consumption, and can be used as a direct replacement for diesel without any need for vehicle or engine modifications.
It is claimed the fuel can help motorists lower their carbon emissions by up to 90 per cent.
Certa has already started to upgrade its network of 41 unmanned, ‘pay@pump’ forecourts to offer HVO at all fuel pumps alongside other fuels.
The first of the newly upgraded forecourts are scheduled to open in Clarehall, Clearwater, Ballymount, Ashbourne and Drogheda before the end of the year.
The fuel supplier added that its entire network will be upgraded by the end of 2024.
Certa has also become the first fuel supplier in Ireland to display the price of HVO on its forecourt pricing totems.
It is currently matching the price of HVO with diesel at its new forecourt in Liffey Valley.
Andrew Graham, managing director of Certa Ireland said: “We want to close the gap on diesel to achieve price parity. We want our pricing for HVO to be comparable and competitive with diesel. That is our long-term goal and we are confident that we can achieve it.”