Continuing hazardous road conditions and freezing fog
The Road Safety Authority is warning road users of the dangers posed by freezing fog which has been forecast by Met Eireann in many parts of the country over the coming days.
Combined with temperatures which are expected to drop below minus 5 degrees, leading to a widespread severe frost, with a risk of icy roads, this poses a safety risk for road users.
As visibility is reduced in such conditions a collision involving one vehicle can quickly involve many others, especially if driving too fast and too close to one another. The greatest risk is of a multiple-vehicle pile-up on roads with higher speeds such as motorways and dual carriageways.
Dense fog reduces visibility greatly and makes driving very dangerous. However freezing fog, when liquid fog droplets freeze to surfaces, can make it difficult to keep the windscreen surface clear.
See RSA Road Safety Alert for ICE, Hailstones, and Snow for more information and advice on using the roads in the current weather.