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FTAI urging ferry companies to prioritise driver safety

To help protect commercial drivers during the Covid-19 pandemic, FTA Ireland (FTAI) is urging cargo-carrying ferry companies to restrict cabins to one-person occupation, close all bars and restaurants on board and provide a room service for drivers to include meals and drinks.

Aidan Flynn, general manager of FTAI comments: “FTAI is urging ferry companies to prioritise the safety and welfare of commercial drivers during the Covid-19 pandemic; their safety should take precedence over meeting private traveling capacities, to ensure our supply chain is protected at all costs. The responsibility falls on all of us to ensure the spread of the virus is controlled as much as possible. FTAI needs ferry companies to take these steps to minimise the risks to those who keep Ireland’s economy trading effectively.

“Businesses within the freight distribution and logistics sector will play a vital role in keeping goods moving across Ireland during this turbulent time, ensuring our supermarket shelves are full, our pharmacies stocked and home deliveries operational. In the view of FTAI, now is the time to ensure all advice and guidance given by government and scientific experts is listened to and actioned; our members must not take be made to take unnecessary risks with the health of their workforce.”

Mr Flynn continues: “At FTAI, we are also urging the government to supply all necessary PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to mobile workers, such as hand sanitiser, masks and gloves, to ensure they have the confidence to carry out their duties and so that their families can be satisfied that every possible step is being taken to protect them at work.

“It is vitally important that all businesses in Ireland can continue to carry out their duties in a controlled and safe manner, with the full support and efficiency that the logistics sector is well known for. We are in this together; we must look out for each other.”