Van, Truck, Trailer, Bus and Coach Aftermarket News in Ireland

New Henkel catalogue: Solutions for Vehicle Repair & Maintenance

Henkel is set to release a new catalogue detailing products, uses and application video links for all garage, mechanic and bodyshop repair professionals.

Entitled “Solutions for Vehicle Repair & Maintenance”, the catalogue is a single source for all such solutions. QR codes are provided alongside the colour-coded, product finder and subject introduction pages. These take enabled smart phone users to the appropriate online application videos hosted on the dedicated Henkel VRM website: – no login required.

Also included in the catalogue is a full listing of the new Teroson body filler range, which replaces the long-established Plastic Padding products. Of course, the Loctite and Bonderite ranges are also given in full, for all types of automotive repairs.

Equipment and accessories have its own section and, to simplify ordering even further, the IDH Numbers for all products listed have been updated and incorporated.

Automotive professionals can find the new catalogue in the ‘downloads’ section on or email to receive a printed copy.