New electronic toll in Belgium
The new toll system, run by Viapass, comes into force from April 1 and is more costly, more widespread and more complicated than the Eurovignette scheme it replaces.

Whereas Eurovignettes can be bought easily online or at filling stations for as little as €8 and are common to the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark and Sweden as well as Belgium, the new Belgian toll system is entirely electronic and depends on an on-board unit (OBU) for every vehicle with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) over 3.5 tonnes, regardless of whether it is used privately or commercially.
The Eurovignette system applied only to trucks over 12 tonnes GVW. The per vehicle deposit required for buying a new Belgian OBU on the web or service points is €135.
Each OBU can be registered only for one specific vehicle and cannot be transferred to another. The fine for each violation of the new road-charging scheme starts at €1,000.
Transport operators are being strongly advised to order and install all the OBUs they need for Belgium as soon as possible and not leave it to drivers at the border.
Toll fees will vary from one part of Belgium to another, and according to vehicle plated weight and engine emissions certification level. A Euro-VI truck in the greater Brussels area can expect a charge of around 20 cents per kilometre.