Van, Truck, Trailer, Bus and Coach Aftermarket News in Ireland

Bowmonk Tapley puts the brakes on

A portable decelerometer approved by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) will be the main feature of Bowmonk Tapley’s stand (4D30) at the show.

The world leader in portable brake test equipment will be exhibiting BrakeCheck, a portable decelerometer that is fully approved by the DVSA, with visitors able to handle the product to see how easy it is to use.

BrakeCheck is accepted not only for interim safety brake tests, but also for the quarterly
voluntary brake test, previously introduced by the Traffic Commission. For MOT testing the
BrakeCheck is also sanctioned as a back-up to a rolling road.

Bowmonk’s range of products extends beyond brake testing and into diagnostics, with their SensorCheck and TrailerCheck units. Also on display will be their on-board weighing systems, fifth wheel auto-lube liners, lightweight landing legs and portable exhaust filtration systems.

Bowmonk’s In-CarPC division will be bringing a range of rugged, compact in-vehicle computers and routers to the Show. In-CarPC’s computers are versatile multi-function devices which can be used for CCTV, live communications and tracking, on-board stock control, navigation, and provision of high-reliability Wi-Fi hotspots for mobile devices.