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More TecRMI functions for workshops

TecAlliance, the umbrella organisation under which sits Europe’s leading parts information data provider TecDoc and technical data information resource TecRMI, has launched another product that will further improve efficiencies in the workshop, with the introduction of TecTIMES.

Shaun-GreasleyAlthough TecRMI already allows users to discover what special tools might be required to undertake a specific job because they are stated in its repair instructions, which takes technicians through every stage of the repair process, TecAlliance has now brought the information together so that workshops can prepare for their jobs in advance and make the tools available to their technicians before they start the work.

“With access to a database of the special tools required for each repair case, the TecRMI TecTIMES function shows the original special tool numbers of the vehicle manufacturers so that they can be considered in the calculation, alongside the target times and repair methods that are already a feature of the TecRMI resource,” says TecAlliance’s commercial director, Shaun Greasley.

“TecTIMES therefore brings another dimension for workshops to improve their business processes. Allied to TecRMI’s other functions, it allows them to make sure nothing is forgotten either in the calculation or in the order process.

“With the direct link to the TecDoc CATALOG system, the right replacement parts are automatically selected for each work schedule and its database is currently being expanded to include products such as workshop equipment, tools, special tools and workshop needs. So clearly TecTIMES provides a further step to a comprehensive automated calculation process, which will contribute to business success of a workshop.”