Van, Truck, Trailer, Bus and Coach Aftermarket News in Ireland

CEO of RSA attends FTA Ireland conference

Today’s Transport Leaders’ Conference hosted by FTA Ireland, proved a popular event as delegates were able to meet Moyagh Murdock – the new CEO of the Road Safety Authority. 

In her address to the audience, Ms Murdock outlined her priorities as the incoming head of the RSA:

“The overriding objective of the RSA enforcement approach is to improve road safety. Secondary considerations are to promote fair competition in the intensely competitive HGV and PSV industry, and stop the race to the bottom.  My vision for the future is to be recognised as having the best testing and enforcement regime in Europe.”

FTA Ireland’s General Manager – Neil McDonnell, GM of FTA Ireland, welcomed Ms Murdock on behalf of the members of the Association, and was clearly delighted by today’s event:

“FTA Ireland is delighted to have welcomed Moyagh Murdoch and to have able to play host to her inaugural meeting with so many FTAI members today.  The information and knowledge shared by both Ms Murdoch and the other key note speakers at the Conference was invaluable.  We are sincerely looking forward to Transport Leaders’
Conference 2015.”

Delegates were taken through the most up to date health, safety and taxation legislation and information for the transport and logistics sector.

Chairing the 2014 Transport Leaders’ Conference held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dublin, was former Dragon’s Den star Sean Gallagher who welcomed over 70 delegates to the popular FTA Ireland event today.