Van, Truck, Trailer, Bus and Coach Aftermarket News in Ireland

Be Alert As Kids Go Back To School

Commercial drivers set to take to the roads during the morning commute are being advised to be extra vigilant over the coming days, as schools across the country will be welcoming back pupils for the autumn term.

vcsPRAsset_2866270_59772_35a2493d-dd09-4847-8e09-fda709fc0743_0With traffic volumes during the morning rush predicted to rise by 20 per cent as the daily school run gets back into full swing, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has called on all road users to have their wits about them and to be on the lookout for vulnerable individuals – such as small children – when driving in the early hours.

Steve Clarke, Group Marketing Manager at The Fuel Card Group in the UK, advises: “Drivers and Fleet Managers planning the morning commute and deliveries and hoping to stay safe must allow time and not being in too much of a rush that they become frustrated or distracted at the wheel, especially around schools.”

Moreover, road users should be aware of the speed limit of the roads they are travelling on, as many areas of the country have now embraced the use of 20 mph zones – especially in the vicinity of schools and residential areas.

Finally, take extra care to compensate for the fact that children on their way to school may not be paying their full attention to what is going on around them. For this reason, it is essential for all drivers to keep their eyes peeled for youngsters who might inadvertently wander into the road.

Indeed, IAM director of policy and research Neil Greig stated: “Technology has moved on at such a pace, it is clear that youngsters are being distracted by the myriad of portable entertainment devices available to them.”

Figures published as part of the ongoing Think! road safety scheme revealed almost two-thirds (62 per cent) of 11 to 16-year-olds admit to being distracted on their way to school.