Disabled twins call on motor industry for help
Disabled twins Ann and Margaret Kennedy from Dublin are seeking the support of the motor industry to purchase a new van capable of carrying two motorised wheelchairs.
The 60-year-old twins suffer from a very rare condition called Mitochondrial Disease. Ann Kennedy explained: “We use powered wheelchairs, but HSE funds are very low, and the ones we have keep breaking down all the time. No further funding is available at present for anything better than these. Life has become very tough.”
“My twin doesn’t drive but I do. I have a muscle wasting condition and my present ivehicle s an agonising drive indeed. I desperately need a new vehicle that can take two powered chair and be comfortable for me, the driver.”
She added: “We also need two new power chairs that don’t cause more problems for our backs. We cannot do without these at all now. These are expensive for people on disability pensions.”
Ann can be contacted on 085 731 8401 or email annken57@gmail.com
Donations can be made to the following Bank Account:
Ann & Margaret Kennedy
Ulster Bank
A/c No. 11281838
Sort Code: 985375