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IAAF readies itself for very active 2014

The Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation (IAAF) is readying itself for the year ahead, following the appointment of its new chief executive.

IAAF president, Graham Knight, has said the IAAF is “ready and able” to take on the challenges and embrace the opportunities faced by the independent automotive aftermarket in 2014.

Following the Federation’s AGM and announcement of Wendy Williamson as the new chief executive, Mr. Knight called on all companies in the automotive aftermarket to get behind the IAAF’s hard work in securing, promoting and strengthening the independent aftermarket.
Mr. Knight said that the “real heroes” in the trade were the companies that paid their subscriptions to the IAAF, “in the knowledge that membership was not all about extracting the benefits but about enabling the Federation to work tirelessly to support the industry’s future.
“Shouldn’t any mature, healthy business – that takes profit from our industry – be proud to be play their part in supporting the IAAF?”

Mr, Knight went on to document just some of the activity the IAAF has undertaken in past year. The IAAF has:

Responded to the BBC Watchdog programme where BMW blamed independent servicing for timing chain failures on the N47 engine

Tackled Classic Radio for giving the impression only Honda dealers can properly service Honda cars

Convinced Blue Light organisations such as MoD and Local Authorities to use aftermarket services
Committed itself to doing whatever it can to make sure the aftermarket see’s it share of the potentially huge one-off revenue windfall in Digital Radio developments

Monitored the access to technical information from VMs and presented its findings to the competition authorities

Fought to ensure the independent aftermarket is not disadvantaged by new EU Roadworthiness proposals.

Mr Knight said: “The IAAF is our Federation. It is run by a dedicated, employed team and many willing volunteers from our industry. The IAAF is run by us, for us, looking after our interests, doing what ‘as individuals’ we couldn’t do ourselves.”