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Continental says dandelion rubber is the future for tyres

Leading tyre manufacturer Continental and the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (IME) in Aachen are on the verge of a breakthrough with their joint development project for tyres made from dandelions.

Conti-tyre-1-e1382442494202With the aid of state-of-the-art growing methods and optimized cultivation systems it has been possible to produce high-grade natural rubber from the roots of the plant in the laboratory. Work began recently on the construction of a pilot facility that can produce natural rubber by the tonne at the Münster site of the IME.

“We are investing in this promising material development and production project because we are convinced that it will enable us to further improve our tyre production in the long run,” said Nikolai Setzer, who is responsible for the Tyre Division within Continental’s Executive Board. “This is because the production of rubber from dandelion roots is far less weather-dependent than production from rubber trees. Furthermore, the new system is so undemanding in terms of agricultural requirements that it opens up a whole new potential – particularly for areas of land that are currently uncultivated.

“By growing the crops much closer to our production sites, we would also be able to significantly reduce the burden on the environment and our outlay for logistics. This development project shows impressively that we have by no means reached the end of the line in terms of our possibilities for material development.”

The first test tyres are scheduled for trials on the public roads in the next few years.

“We have built up a great deal of expertise in the field of dandelion cultivation in recent years. Thanks to DNA marker technology, we now know which gene is responsible for which molecular property. This enables us to grow particularly high-yield plants much more efficiently,” explains Project Manager Professor Dirk Prüfer.

This had been preceded by several years of research activities, which the scientists were able to showcase that the rubber produced from the dandelion plants they had grown themselves not only offers the same quality as its counterpart from the rubber tree, but that this new variant is actually more robust and offers a higher yield.

“With this project, we are taking a huge step forward on the path to our long-term goal of manufacturing tyres for cars, trucks, and bicycles, as well as specialist tyres, completely without any fossil materials,” explains Dr. Boris Mergell, Head of Material and Process Development for Tyres at Continental. “If we can successfully manage to produce large amounts of dandelion rubber with at least equivalent performance properties to conventional rubber harvested from rubber trees, then we will be able to put ourselves in a position where we are much less dependent on the annual harvest situation in the subtropical growing regions.”