Connect tachos with telematics says Paragon
Transport News Brief reports that an interface between Paragon’s route optimisation system and Tachomaster’s tachograph analysis software makes it easier for transport operators to cut costs through better driver management as a result of levelling workloads and improving shift allocation.
The interface between the systems was developed by two of the transport industry’s leading software providers, Paragon Software Systems and Road Tech Computer Systems, and enables reliable tachograph information about recorded drivers’ hours to be imported directly into the Paragon software.
Transport operators use Paragon’s routing software to improve driver productivity and cut fleet costs by creating accurate, practical schedules for each route and driver. With the Tachomaster Paragon link users can automatically level driver workloads across a given period, which decreases the need for costly agency drivers and encourages a fairer way of allocating work.
“The ability to import accurate Tachomaster data direct into Paragon takes ‘resource managed planning’ to new levels. Transport planners can use the software to assign work evenly across their drivers, using accurate historical data imported automatically from Tachomaster. The software also ensures that workloads are achievable by assigning drivers to schedules that fit with their working time availability,” says William Salter, Managing Director of Paragon Software Systems.
Fleet operators who also use vehicle-tracking technology can readily combine activity logs with their tachograph data using Paragon Fleet Controller. The software sends the information to the Tachomaster screen to compare tachograph information with the movements of the vehicle monitored by the tracking system.