Are lorry drivers getting a fair deal on insurance premiums?
Although a large number of people are now required to drive a vehicle to carry out their day to day duties at work, lorry drivers belong to a minority group that require a special driving licence to work in their chosen profession. Despite this, lorry drivers do not always receive the recognition they deserve when insuring their own private vehicles. However, times are changing and there are now savings to be made when your insurance is up for renewal!

Over the years lorry drivers have been much maligned by the ordinary road user and in articles about road traffic accidents in the daily papers. This is despite the fact that lorry drivers have to hold a professional driving qualification to carry out their duties and have to undergo rigorous re-training and regular medicals to maintain their professional licence.
Furthermore, little is known by the ordinary road user about the vast array of prohibitive legislation the lorry driver has to adhere to.
Andrew Drewary, Director of First Legal Support, a specialist outsourced accident investigation company said: ‘The view of the ordinary road user is that the lorry in front of them is travelling too slow and that the lorry driver should put their foot down. But the ordinary road user is largely ignorant to the restrictions and limitations put on the lorry driver in order for them to carry out their day to day duties legally.’
Although clearly explained in the Highway Code, the variations in basic regulations such as speed limits are largely unknown by the ordinary road user. This is the root cause of their frustration and then leads to a desperation to overtake. In order to get passed the lorry, a dangerous overtaking manoeuvre follows with little care or thought for others on the road.
So it is a little surprising that the ordinary road user will pay very similar insurance premiums for their vehicle as a lorry driver will for their own private vehicle. This is despite the fact, when in their own private vehicle a lorry driver will be much aware and measured in their driving actions and considerate to other road users.
Drewary continues: ‘Given the fact a lorry driver will be a lot more aware and safer behind the wheel of their own private vehicle compared to that of the ordinary road user, should make a difference when it comes to taking out insurance for their own vehicle. However despite having a professional qualification and considerably more experience than the majority of drivers on the road does not always count when they renew their vehicle insurance.’
Unfortunately, the negative press lorry drivers get following road traffic accidents does not help their cause either. The very size of the vehicles they drive lend themselves to be involved in a large proportion of the fatal or catastrophic accidents on our roads. More often than not, due to the obvious badly damaged remains of the vehicles involved, means the initial reaction will be to blame the lorry driver but this is very rarely the case.
However, there are changes out here in the market with a number of insurance brokers offering special deals to reward lorry drivers for having a professional qualification. They are recognising that apart from having a qualification to drive a vehicle, lorry drivers have a different mentality and a greater ability when behind the wheel of their own private vehicle.
Drewary concluded: ‘It is encouraging to see that those who drive for a profession are finally being rewarded for the qualifications they hold and the undoubted experience they have to drive a vehicle. Hopefully, this will encourage others to consider the benefits of having a driving qualification.’
If you would like to know more about the benefits on offer do not hesitate to contact Andrew Drewary on 07817 043821 or email
Andrew Drewary is a Director of First Legal Support Ltd, a specialist road traffic accident investigation company. By offering innovative and bespoke services and products to the haulage industry, he is driven by providing excellent support for his customers with the aim of ‘Protecting your Business while Enhancing your Brand’.